Congrats to May Member of the Month, Karli!
Coach Julia nominated Karli this month and here’s what she had to say about her…
“Karli not only cares for her new baby Jonah, but also takes in so many rescue dogs to foster and looks for homes. She comes into class with an awesome attitude, makes friends everywhere she goes, and is a loud encourager to everyone she works with. She’s strong as heck, loves a challenge, and works so hard. Well done, Karli!”
We asked Karli some questions about her experience at Dragonfly and this is what she had to say:
Does the Dragonfly community play a part in your gym experience?
Absolutely!! Human connection is something that really fills my bucket & I strive to build and maintain relationships in all areas of my life. Seeing the same faces each week allows me to really get to know people within my community, and I look forward to seeing these badass people in class each week. I know how intimidating the gym setting can be in the wild, but at Dragonfly we are truly free, and encouraged, to be ourselves while all working towards our fitness goals (even though they look different for everyone). We are a pretty eclectic group with lots of experiences, talents and stories! Dragonfly & a sense of community go hand in hand.
What motivates you to be consistent with your training?
The way our classes are set up have truly paved the way to success when it comes to consistency in my training. When I know I have this specific time set aside each week just for me, I take it. It’s there, penciled into my brain, and I know people are expecting to see me (and they would obviously miss my singing & sweet dance moves if I wasn’t there). Also, as a new mom, my time at the gym is something I value greatly. It’s time that I get to focus on making myself a better version of me, and I get to do that alongside people that are super relatable & fun!

Is there anything that strength training has taught you or given you that you weren't expecting?
QUALITY OVER QUANTITY!!!! My competitive side likes to be the first one done in everything I do. But, our workouts aren’t designed with speed in mind. We focus so much on mobility, form and continued progression of a movement, that the quality of those movements is far more important than how many reps I can do. It’s reminded me that when I sloowwwwww down, focus more deeply on what I’m doing, the results are even better!
Thanks, Karli! We’re happy you’re here!
Karli was nominated by Coach Julia for Member of the Month! Each month Dragonfly coaches nominate members who are standing out, overcoming obstacles, and giving it their all. It’s always a hard choice to decide upon one!