This year we are so honored to have THREE more women hit a huge milestone with us! They celebrate their 10 year anniversary at Dragonfly this year!
We'll be introducing them all to you and getting their perspective because we, of course, think they are amazing!
Joanna is so strong, but acts like it's no big deal. For ten years we've been making it more challenging...and she just goes with it. She's positive, kind, funny and sarcastic (see below lol) and always a joy to have in class.
What originally brought you to Dragonfly ten years ago? My sister-in-law lived a few blocks away. So, Ashley & I would walk to the gym together. It gave us a wonderful opportunity to bond & hold each other accountable.
What has kept you at DF for ten years? The fun, supportive, loving, & encouraging people that I get to see each time I step in to class. And, the slight chance that there might be a dog running around that I could play with.
What's one thing you're proud of from the past 10 years? Never giving up on my commitment to fitness despite my penchant for chillaxing.
How has being a member of Dragonfly changed aspects of your life? I've been amazed to discover previously unused muscles. Learning their names has given me an unwarranted sense of anatomical knowledge superiority. I'm practically a doctor, now.
What advice would you give to members who are just starting with us? Don’t be afraid to give it (whatever it is) a try. Nobody is judging or laughing at you.
What motivates you to keep coming back to the gym year after year? My ongoing battle against aging & gravity.
What is the number one thing that helps you stick to your fitness routine? The person in my mirror is so critical & demanding. I keep telling her “you’re drunk; you don’t know what you're talking about!” But, then I realize she is right; I will feel better about myself if I go workout.
What separates your experience at Dragonfly from other gyms/workouts/things you've tried in the past? The strong sense of community. Dragonfly & its members are not only supportive of each other but also the local businesses & charities.
What is your favorite part about being a member at Dragonfly? All the friendly people that are there & help me take my mind off whatever is stressing me that day.
We are so happy to have you here Joanna!