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Julia Hagan


For me, this has been a long time coming. Fitness has been a part of my life ever since I can remember. From playing every sport imaginable growing up, to playing on the soccer team at Fontbonne University, I was always a part of a team. After graduating, I went into education for five years and taught fifth grade. It was an awesome experience, but I always felt like something was missing. Like that wasn’t really where I was supposed to be. So I started up a bootcamp class through my church and realized that not only did I love helping people find joy through exercise, but I also found community is such a key factor for so many. When women are supporting women, we can do anything - even that last set of burpees!

I then became a mom and started staying home, and realized that it was time to pursue my dream. I’ve been wanting to become a certified personal trainer for the past few years, and my eyes were always focused on Dragonfly. It was my ideal spot. A gym fully devoted to women helping women, an environment that was healthy and judgment free, a place that shows that you can be fit at every size, age, and place in life, and that lifting weights is one of the most therapeutic things in this world. I was hooked.


After a few years of talking with Renah, life finally figured out its way for me to be here. Teaching, coaching, encouraging, and supporting women has been one of the greatest achievements in my life so far.


My absolute favorite workout, especially after having a baby and not having much time on my hands, is interval training. Bodyweight work, sprints, plyometrics - love it all. Give me 30 minutes and some Cardi B and we can GET IT DONE. 😉

• Certified Personal Trainer, American Council on Exercise (ACE)

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