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October Member of the Month

Congrats to October Member of the Month, Lindsey!

Coach Jenny nominated Lindsey this month and says that "Lindsey is quiet, but determined. (And all of the coaches would agree!) She’s consistent with her workouts and keeps her focus on getting stronger! Lindsey challenges herself and is receptive to coaches feedback and other encouraging members. (And way to go on assisted pull-ups!!)"

Here's a little more about Lindsey...

What brought you to Dragonfly? I originally came to Dragonfly to just get toned. I was nervous about strength classes and focused more on cardio. But as I progressed in strength classes, I became more excited by seeing myself get stronger. Going to the gym was no longer about the brief moment of fitting into tight jeans, but more about gaining confidence and a sense of pride in my commitment to my health and getting stronger.

We love when y'all celebrate & share your accomplishments - big & small, inside & outside the gym. Share with us something that you are proud of from the past few weeks or months. I was working on my scap pulls and I was encouraged by another member to try doing pull-ups. I wasn’t confident I could do them, but I finally tried it and I was able to do my first pull-up ever! (Thanks, Jenni!)

What is something that used to be intimidating at the gym or how might you encourage others that might be nervous? Try everything! I found that the thing holding me back the most was my own self-doubt, and I’ve been able to push through hard moves and heavier weights by keeping an open mind. It feels incredible when I surprise myself by making it through a challenging workout (like doing a pull-up!!)

Thanks, Lindsey! We’re happy you’re here! Each month Dragonfly coaches nominate members who are standing out, overcoming obstacles, and giving it their all. It’s always a hard choice to decide upon one!

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